I'm diving deep into AI + marketing; will you join me?

Published about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read



A new direction: AI +marketing

I've fallen down the rabbit hole of AI, and I can safely say now that there's no going back for me.

AI moves really fast, and what it can do is unbelievable.

And today's level of technology is the worst it'll ever be.

I've been following AI news and trends, and it's all really interesting, but some of it is too high tech or not at all related to growing your business.

Starting this week, I'm going to use this space as a way to teach "the rest of us" how to use AI to grow your business.

I've opted you in, but if you'd prefer not to join me as I teach what I've learned, you can opt out of that by clicking here, or the button below.

If you'd rather not hear about how to use AI to grow your business, click the button below to opt out.

Today's Tool: BoodleBox​

Okay, now that that's out of the way, let's get into today's AI tool. BoodleBox solves the problem of having a bunch of open tabsβ€” asking ChatGPT to help with some technical bit, then switching over to Claude to smooth it out (and remove the rocket emojis), then going to yet another tool to create images.

Plus, if you've ever spent time training an LLM to match your brand voice, then tried to share it with someone on your team, you know the other problem it solves.

Their free tier allows you to get ChatGPT 4 AND Claude 3 Opus, both of which are only available for their paid plans if you go to their sources directly.

Look at how cool this is:

Use my referral link to try BoodleBox for free (we both get credit if you upgrade!)

How you can use it

Hire multiple AI agents to help you with your business.

At the conference I attended, one of the speakers used BoodleBox to:

  • Look at the speaker bios of the confirmed speakers
  • Find a topic she could discuss based on what's not on the schedule that aligned with what the AI knew about her expertise (she'd uploaded a lot to the chat ahead of time)
  • And connect with all the other speakers on LinkedIn ahead of the conference

That's amazing.


Remember, AI tools are here to help us do our jobs with more efficiency.

Use them wisely, then find more time in your day to exercise, meditate, be creative, and be with your family.

Until next time,


The Well-Paid Expert, Tinkerer, Futurist, and One Who Hopes the AI Revolution Will Be Friendly

PS: I'm building a program that will teach you how to save 15+ hours per week on your business using AI. Let me know if you want details!


2314 W Olive Way, Chandler, Arizona 85248
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